A broken internet

Ad based free services are the most popular business model for internet, but are they beneficial or even good for consumers? Let’s dig deeper…

The software industry is one that doesn’t require huge amounts of capital to get a company off the ground and running. It’s a well-known fact that the internet giant Apple was started in a garage. An equally prominent company, Facebook, got its start in a college dorm room.

In our advanced age of technology and constant innovation, stories like this have almost made the sheen of these internet giants’ humble beginnings seem lackluster.

Technology has helped us to revolutionize industries that were previously ineffective or outdated. People are more connected than ever before. Businesses are able to innovate and expand at a rapid pace. This uptick in innovation has led to countless benefits in almost every imaginable sector of industry. Yet, the question remains: has the internet truly made life better?

It should be noted that the goal of this blog is not to discredit those serious innovators who molded the internet as we know it today. Rather, it is to shed light on the disadvantages that accompany such a vast online world. After all, the internet does have a dark side.

What I want to focus on are the so-called white collars of the internet. Rarely do companies begin with bad intentions as their driving framework. However, on the path to success, somewhere a diversion occurs and changes everything.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be tackling the current challenges we face with the internet as it stands today.

We cannot solve a problem until we acknowledge its existence. In this series, I will be sharing information regarding both the short-term and long-term impacts of these digital-age problems. Only then can we attempt to understand why these problems came to fruition in the first place.

As an engineer, going to my superiors with viable solutions is a natural course of action to take when problems arise. To that end, I’ll follow the same structure here by sharing my thoughts as to how these problems can be solved. I’m hopeful that every individual reading this can contribute their own ideas, and together we can tackle the problem at hand.

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